Our Best-Selling Books

Offering teens, young adults and parents practical insight into life’s various issues and challenges.

Our best-selling books offer teens, young adults and parents practical insight into life’s various issues and challenges. Written from the heart, the books offer advice and invaluable insights that have a powerful impact on their readers’ lives. Over 100 000 books have been sold to-date.

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Life Talk for a Daughter

A toolkit of invaluable tips for life addressing the challenges faced by girls on their journey through the teenage years into adulthood. Advice on 70 issues (for girls to read, age 10 – 20+): from love and success, to peer pressure,  binge drinking and tough choices.


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Life Talk for a Son

A practical guide packed with frank, sensible advice for teen boys and young men.  70 topics from girls, success and leadership to peer pressure,  drugs and porn, this book covers it all. Written for boys from the age of 10 – 20+.


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Life Talk for Parents

An essential guide to the issues faced by teens and parents. Tackling challenges that include: peer pressure, communication, values, alcohol, technology, drugs,  sex, bullying, depression, discipline and 60 other key issues.


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The Tug of Life

Your game plan for life. An entertaining and uniquely written handbook (and methodology) that empowers you to take control of your life and helps you to unpack life’s complexities by identifying its challenges and solutions. Tug-of-Life is always available in isiZulu.


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Isishicilelo sesiZulu se-Tug-of-Life yibhukwana lokuzilibazisa elibhalwe ngendlela ehlukile elikusiza ukuthi ukwazi ukuthukulula bonke ubunzima bempilo ngokuhlonza izinselelo kanye nezisombululo.


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Life Talk with God

Growing up in the world today is no joke, and others don’t always understand what young people are going through. How do you react when your buddies want you to join in their drinking game? What do you say when the person you’re dating wants to take things too far? Are you someone who considers bullying to be entertaining?

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‘Essential reading. A relevant, comprehensive book that deals with issues faced by parents of teenagers in a thought-provoking and helpful way, with up-to-date experts’ input. I cannot think of any topic faced by parents that Izabella has left untouched.’ -Guy Pearson, then Rector: Michaelhouse


‘If there’s one book you’d be smart to hold on to your whole life through, it’s this one! It offers a mix of great guidelines that’ll help you along the sometimes rocky road of growing up, making your life easier, happier and more fantastic to live.’ – Thandiwe McCloy, Uncut LoveLife


‘You can’t go wrong with this invaluable toolkit of frank, practical, common-sense lessons for life. It’s a clear-thinking, easy-to-read book that is good for parents and kids alike, and the chapter headings will give you some idea of the wide variety of life topics covered … If you’ve a pretty open relationship with your son, you could both read the book and discuss some of the issues together; if you haven’t, just leave it beside his bed – he won’t be able to resist picking it up. ‘ -Kate Turkington – www.joburg.co.za book review


Tug of Life is a thought-process and a vocabulary that everyone, irrespective of age, can apply to every situation in their life. I wish I’d had this tool long ago. It would have changed my life!’  -Andre Kraak, principal, Steenberg High

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Our best-selling books offer teens, young adults and parents practical insight into life’s various issues and challenges.

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