The Tug of Life
‘Tug of Life is a thought-process and a vocabulary that everyone, irrespective of age, can apply to every situation in their life. I wish I’d had this tool long ago. It would have changed my life!’ -Andre Kraak, principal, Steenberg High
‘An easy and fun way of mapping out the challenges we face in life. A return to values approach which is so desperately needed in our fast paced lives.’ -Angelique Serrao, Journalist, The Star
‘Tug of Life offers young people an instrument for making life-changing decisions – and leads to key behaviour-change. It is a very simple, graphic way of showing a young person how to make the right choices. It is for everyone from the age of about ten (youth and adults alike). A powerful and guiding tool.’ -Cardinal Wilfrid Napier OFM
‘Exciting new vocabulary. Straight to the point, tells it like it is. A great handbook for life for everyone’. -Dudley Forde (leader in education)

Lifetalk for a daughter
‘If there’s one book you’d be smart to hold on to your whole life through, it’s this one! It offers a mix of great guidelines that’ll help you along the sometimes rocky road of growing up, making your life easier, happier and more fantastic to live.’ – Thandiwe McCloy, Uncut LoveLife
‘If you don’t have the answer, you’ll find it in this book. It’s all here: life skills, sex, relationships, feelings and love, as well as practical stuff and facing challenges such as drugs.’ – Eugene Nkabinde, DRUM magazine
‘I love it! Every chapter has something for me. It’s so interesting and just what I need.’ -Sue, 16.
‘A unique and helpful book and a must-have for all teenage girls.’ – Kate Verster (17), YOU Magazine
‘The book should be in every home where there are adolescents.’ -Peter Munns, Chairman, The Ark of Compassion.
‘Life Talk for a Daughter is an amazing contribution to wellness in its broadest sense. The emotional wisdom contained in this book is a must for every young (and not so young) person. A powerful contribution to humanity.’ -Dr Rajen Cooppan, Back 2 Health Wellness Centres
‘The book isn’t just cool, it’s super cool! The contents are for all ‘children’ from age nine to ninety-nine – it is a wonderful communications tool for families, especially on touchy subjects.’ – Jayne Southern, A New Chapter literary club
Tool of knowledge will conquer AIDS ( letter published in The Star)
‘…The advice and guidelines contained in the Life Talk books, when applied, have a potent impact on the actions and thought-process of adolescents and young adults. Written in a non-judgmental tone, by a South African author, the books provide advice and much food for thought on a broad range of topics, and they succeed in getting the reader to stop and think about his/her actions, the consequences, and the best way forward. The content is powerful and life-changing. If everyone were to read one of the books and if they applied the messages, particularly those that deal with sexuality, relationships, love, and life’s challenges, it is our belief that a significant shift in sexual and moral behaviour would take place and fewer cases of HIV would result. Is it thus not worth to make this valuable tool available to all high-school pupils and all tertiary students?’
Cheryl-Lynne van Egmond – The Ark of Compassion

Lifetalk for a son
‘What a wonderful find this book is. It’s a must-have for every parent and makes a great gift for parent and teenager.’ -Lucia Fidalgo – British Airways UpFront magazine
‘Your book really helps, it’s the first place I look when I need help or advice and it’s changed my life for the better in many ways. Thank you!’ L.C.
‘You can’t go wrong with this invaluable toolkit of frank, practical, common-sense lessons for life. It’s a clear-thinking, easy-to-read book that is good for parents and kids alike, and the chapter headings will give you some idea of the wide variety of life topics covered … If you’ve a pretty open relationship with your son, you could both read the book and discuss some of the issues together; if you haven’t, just leave it beside his bed – he won’t be able to resist picking it up. ‘ -Kate Turkington – www.joburg.co.za book review
‘This is a most important book about how boys can deal with issues that come up in their lives. Communication is the key point in Life Talk for a Son. Izabella deals with 60 issues including girls, sex and what and how to deal with them. Drugs and alcohol are tackled in a sensible, understanding way. Sport, bullying, the generation gap, pregnancy and last but not least your communication with God are tackled with the same down to earth values. I found this a very easy to read book full of excellent advice and would recommend it to all mothers and fathers and their sons. It will enable them to find answers and live a better life.’ -Dee Andrew – The Write Co.

Lifetalk for parents
‘Essential reading. A relevant, comprehensive book that deals with issues faced by parents of teenagers in a thought-provoking and helpful way, with up-to-date experts’ input. I cannot think of any topic faced by parents that Izabella has left untouched.’
-Guy Pearson, then Rector: Michaelhouse
‘I highly recommend the book. It serves to inform, to provoke thinking and to suggest solutions. There are many suggestions and ideas for actions and approaches to particular situations, which if implemented, have the real potential to change difficult situations and objectionable behaviour involving one’s teenage child. I think this is essential reading for any parent about to embark on adolescence with their teenage child. Even if your child is already through adolescence you will still gain many insights for future parenting challenges. ’
– Stephen Lowry – then Rector: St Stithians College
‘A most informative and vital book. The topics are current and the information is relevant and up-to-date. I would love all parents to read the book.’
– Lisa Benning – Head: Kingsmead College
‘This book gives parents a straightforward, easily accessible ‘ready reference’ book which deals with a broad range of issues facing adolescents. Izabella has a knack for raising and dealing with issues in a way that would, I believe, result in positive outcomes for those who strive to implement the suggestions.’
– Malcolm Williams – headmaster: St David’s Marist Inanda High School
‘It is a ‘must read’. I would love to have a copy of Life Talk for Parents on my coffee table – better still, make it prescribed reading for parents! I would love to have had something like this when I raised my own sons. It’s not prescriptive, but it does not avoid uncomfortable issues and conclusions. Izabella has tackled some of the most alarming issues our youth face, as well as some that are upbeat. I have no doubt there is hunger for information in this field.’
Andrew Cook – principal Mitchell House
‘The book is a must-read, informative and thought provoking, and may assist in changing lives. Topics are relevant and comprehensive. Experts’ input is both interesting and helpful.’
– Mike Fennell – headmaster: King Edward VII School
‘It is a groundbreaking, comprehensive look at what teenagers are really getting up to. This is the first book I have read that has a real handle on teen culture. Many parents will be shocked to find out what their children are really doing and I am glad that so many teen issues are being brought out into the open.’
– Angelique Serrao – Education journalist: The Star newspaper
‘This book is a ‘must read’. It is a ‘multi-purpose tool’ for parents’ and teens’ issues, and it is a must-have for families, schools and churches throughout the world. As both Minister and parent, I find it extremely useful. There is no doubt that this book will have a positive impact on the life and behaviour of both teens and parents. What excellent research went into the critical analysis of each topic! The book is a hands-on resource that will always be there when you need it most. Most parents need a reality check – and the facts that this book fortunately exposes will help parents to keep up-to-date with the latest developments (and will help people to see themselves in its mirror).’
– Reverend Eric Sifiso Jali – KwaMashu Baptist Church
‘This book touches on the daily challenges parents face in an easily accessible way. As a trained family therapist, I was in appreciation of the holistic advice offered to parents: solid, value-based, while respecting the importance of including teens in discussion and setting rules for themselves. I see this book being very comforting for parents …’
Dr Eve – family therapist
Talks & Programmes Testimonials
Talks & Workshops for children, teens, parents & teachers
“The session was fantastic! The children really enjoyed it and took some valuable tips from it. So did the teachers!”
– Peta-Ann Chipps, director Student Welfare, Grayston Preparatory school
“Thank you for the talk you gave to our pupils yesterday. You dealt with the issues in a way that did not involve lecturing to the pupils, but rather aimed to inform and educate them on the implications for their growth and especially brain development of their choices. You dealt with all the main challengers that they face. I liked the Tug-of-Life Game plan, and I hope that the pupils will see the value of identifying the characters in their life’s contests. Hopefully all these interventions will help to build a community of Galvanizers that will help the pupils to defeat the Challengers in their life. Thank you.”
– John Gelling, Principal, High School, De La Salle Holy Cross College
– Jocylyn
– A. Cook, Headmaster, Mitchell House
“God Bless You and your organization for empowering our people, especially our children – in the hope of a better life. What you are doing is showing the country that life is not only about oneself but about everybody and everything around one – it is that which we all call HUMANITY! I really do salute you!”
– M Beharilal
Hi Sue, I attended the training you gave on Tuesday at the ACVV. I really enjoyed it and I wanted to commend you on your presentation skills. You managed to make boring subjects interesting again! I am definitely going to be implementing the programme soon and I will keep you informed about the progress.
– A. C. Social worker
Hi Sally, Thank you so much for this valuable advice. It’s a privilege to be able to ask such important and sensitive questions & to be able to receive quick sound advice. I am going to purchase your book for future reference as I can see future discussions with regards to boundaries & cheekiness that seems to be creeping in now & again.
– Andrew
”Thank you so much for your talk this morning. The children really enjoyed it as it tied in with so many of the things we had been discussing at school during class – self-respect, self-esteem, etc.Tomorrow I have the Grade 10 class for Life Orientation and I shall follow up some of your ideas and topics during the lesson.”
– Lindy Messaris, L.O., Cedarwood